Browsing the directory

When you browse the directory, you select one role, such as Faculty or Students, and the portal shows you all available details on members of that role. Note that individual users might have chosen to hide their details. An administrator can also hide a user's details. Note also that you may be able to view only certain roles depending on your permissions.

To browse the directory:

1.        Navigate to the directory by click the Campus Directory link in your portal's footer. Doing this opens the directory's Browse tab.

2.        Use the Show drop-down list to select the role whose members you want to see. In response, the portal returns a list of members with a blue information icon Myi_MyInfoIcon.gif next to their names. You can click the information icon to see that users My Info portlet, may include the user's photo and/or contact information.


If you can't find the Campus Directory link, it may be that the feature has been hidden by your portal administrator.